The 1861-1862 publication contains two large fold-out
illustrations of Scottish buildings which were published by the Architectural
Institute of Scotland from measured Drawings prepared by the late Thomas
Hamilton, Esq. Architect. Also, it contains detailed sketches of the doorway,
elevation, arches, and other details.
Objects of the Institute: "the First is, that a good
deal of attention will be directed towards the subject generally, and many
persons will be induced to examine the principles of the art, and desire to
know something of the rules by which a bad and untasteful building is to be
distinguished from one that is a good and correct one.”
“A second object we
might look for, as a result of the formation of an Architectural Institute, is
the formation of an Architectural Library.... (a third object is] to stay the
hand of destruction often stretched out against some precious remains of
ecclesiastical or castlellated architecture."